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Latisha Dauby

Meet Latisha Dauby, who has been a Service Provider for Microvellum for over 10 years. With over two decades of experience in this field, Latisha's expertise, and passion for Microvellum have made her an invaluable asset to the company.

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Before joining the Microvellum team, Latisha worked in production for a cabinet manufacturer and spent time in a local cabinet shop, where she was an active Microvellum user. This hands-on experience provided her with a deep understanding of the challenges and intricacies of the industry.

Latisha says her favorite aspect within Microvellum is that it is an open platform to anyone willing to learn from auto-connecting drawing template information to CNC program generation. Her specialty is teaching clients and seeing the light bulb go off when they understand. However, her favorite aspect of Microvellum is the design and manufacturing process combined, and the ease of the connection between them.

"I honestly love what I do. I not only enjoy using the software and am constantly learning something new, but it is very satisfying to pass that knowledge to others. I recently went to a customer's location for a second visit to consult on their process. While there, they shared with me that Microvellum had been a business saver for them. Their profits increased by 10x in the 2 years since they implemented Microvellum. That is why I do what I do. I help companies and individuals achieve success with knowledge and at the same time achieve personal and professional success for myself."

Latisha Dauby's commitment to helping her clients learn and succeed is what makes her an excellent Service Provider. If Latisha could give anyone who's learning Microvellum, it is patience. "If you want to learn something then you can learn it, but only if you have the time and the want."

Her services coverage includes the United States.

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