Partnering with Schools to Advance Industry Education

Helping to grow our future workforce one student at a time.

Empowering Our Future workforce


Microvellum's Adopt-a-school program was created to support computer-aided design, drafting, engineering, and manufacturing (CAD/CAM/CIM) education, involvement, and activities by high school, college, and trade school students and educators throughout the world.

Bridging the Knowledge Gap

Microvellum's eLearning program, a part of Microvellum University and led by RJ Pranski, an industry expert with over 20 years of experience, offers students and educators free access to learning content, videos, training plans, and sample projects to help streamline the learning process and refine their skills.

The eLearning program provides teachers with a platform to not only grow their skills but also a means to expedite the implementation of Microvellum software within their CTE programs.

Training Syllabus
Video-based Content
Project Data

Connect with Key People

To get the adoption process started, you will first need to identify the key players that will be involved in the conversation. Once you have identified the key players, you will want to give each of them an opportunity to share ideas and ask questions about the proposed adoption and plan. Help them understand what a win looks like for the students and for your company.

Together, create an adoption plan that will bring benefit to the school, you and ultimately improve educational outcomes for students.

Board Members
School Superintendents

What our Partners are saying

"The success we've seen at the Mill would not have happened without the generosity of our partners to help elevate the skill level of students in our program."

Shane Skalla, Industry Partnership Liason at The MiLL

Education Partners

Software Donations

One of the key components of an Adopt-A-School program for the woodworking sector is software. We recognize that schools need the latest technology and tools to provide students with the skills needed to thrive in today’s high-tech, computerized workplace. Our software donation provides eligible schools with the latest woodworking software powered by Microvellum and Autodesk.

Your Responsibility
Ongoing Support & Maintenance

Donations will be evaluated according to the eligibility guidelines below:

  • An educational institution that has been or is in the process of being adopted by a business that uses Microvellum Software in their design to manufacturing process.

  • Is a K-12 public school or affiliated program, college or university offering a wood technology program.

  • Must have a valid, school issued email address

  • *All donations as subject to review by Microvellum management.


One of the most important features of a successful adoption includes close contact with the school and students.

Job Shadowing
Real-world Projects

Help Training our Future Workforce

Let's work together to help fill the skills gaps and train our future workforce.